
Investor Profiles

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Professional Investors

A Professional Investor is a person who has or controls gross (personal) assets of at least A$10 million, or an entity with a Financial License like the Australian Financial Services License.

Sophisticated Investors

A person who has aggregated net assets of A$2.5 million or has aggregated gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least A$250,000 a year, to be certified by a qualified Accountant.

Wholesale Investors

A Wholesale Investor is where a person invests A$500k and above into a financial product or Acumen Investors’ curated managed portfolio. Acumen Investors reserves the right to reject any Wholesale application and will assess its acceptance on a case by case basis.

Where the investor is not in any of the above categories, Acumen Investors provides the following to the investor

FSG – Financial Services Guide that explains retail services and fees charged. A copy of the FSG can be accessed here
SOA – Statement of Advice confirming Personal Advice for retail clients.
AFCA/IDR – Access to AFCA or internal dispute resolution/complaints handling procedures for retail clients.

Internal Dispute Resolution:
The Compliance Manager, Acumen Investors

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Tel:1800 931 678
Mail: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Acumen Investors is covered by a Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy which satisfies the requirements for compensation arrangements under section 912B of the Corporations Act.

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