
Adviser Solutions

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Adviser Solutions

Find the solution that suits you

  • Licensing Solution

    Advisers have the choice of joining Acumen Investors as Corporate Authorised Representatives (“CAR” under their own ABN) or as individual Authorised Representatives (see below “Working at Acumen Investors”). The appropriate licensing structure takes the Advisers’ preferences into consideration in addition to Acumen Investors’ assessment of the Advisers’ knowledge and experience in financial advisory and investment advice and products and the profile of their client base. Get in touch to discuss in details confidentially.

  • Adviser Services

    We take both a structured and tailored approach to your needs.

    Advisers are offered three packages to choose from.

    The Complete Package offers either Module 1 or 2 only, Full Service offers Modules 1 and 2 together whilst The Customised Package offers the services of all 3 Modules together.

    Module 1: Access to all of Acumen Investors’ stockbroking set ups and third party relationships, securities trading and reporting platforms (for ASX and global exchanges), Proprietary Client and Adviser Portals, Independent institutional research and Curated Managed Portfolios. All Advisers’ clients enjoy full portfolio reporting and administration with mobile access.

    Module 2: Financial Planners have access to a full suite of CRM, software and paraplanning support including access to Acumen Investors’ Curated Managed Portfolio (Multi-assets at various risk profiles and Australian-shares only) made available for a seamless single entry of client data, advice delivery and investments.This include all superannuation needs.

    Module 3: The Customised Package offers CARs the added flexibility and assistance in customising dashboards, websites and white labelling and the setting up of systems of choice. This package includes the assistance of curating a managed portfolio to suit your client base (size dependent).

    In all instances, Acumen Investors works closely with the Advisers and look to assist and support where needed in:

    • Transitioning - data file conversions, client setups
    • Initial business set-up needs (like website building, customisation of Portals and white labelling)
    • Location and administrative sharing (where available)
    • On-going business operations support
    • A community of Advisers

  • Client Products and Services

    • Suitable for all retail and wholesale clients
    • The wide investment menu include all listed securities (ASX and global), Acumen Investors’ Curated Managed Portfolios, other SMAs of choice where appropriate, Managed Funds and Private Equity and Venture Capital investments (subject to clients’ profiles)
    • Access to Research (external, institutional, non-aligned) for basis of advice
    • Derivatives strategies, trading ideas and implementation as add-on to portfolios are available subject to individual Adviser’s Profile and experience
    • Ability to use various investment and reporting platforms for ease of client reporting and administration
    • Access to associated service of lending and finance services in due course

    Acumen Investors’ excluded Products and Services are: Crypto, FX trading, Futures and CFDs

Acumen Investors

Working at Acumen Investors


We welcome innovative, progressive Advisers who are looking for a flexible working environment. Top priority for Acumen Investors is that you are firstly compliant (with financial regulations) as that will ensure your longevity in the industry. Next, we believe in being at our best for our clients, maintaining peak performance. That, requires work, persistence, and dedication. This is where we come in; we help, we provide, we guide; so that together, we can all operate at peak performance.

We believe in long term relationships; this is evidenced by the decades of Adviser/Client relationships we have established with our clients, including their children especially when they pass on. Likewise, we desire to develop long-term working relationships with our Advisers. We adapt, we evolve, and we grow together as Advisers and as a firm. This is the best guarantee of being the best for our clients.

We continually evaluate and adopt new technology and digital tools to promote Adviser efficiency and to keep costs at bay. We welcome Advisers who are technological savvy and desire to use technology in enhancing their advisory process, increasing their productivity and keeping fees fair for clients.

If you share our philosophy, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch

Our Industry network, contributions and third party providers include