


Where the science of investing meets the heart of money

Though our daily role and main objective is in the delivery of institutional grade investment portfolios and advice, we regard investor education as another of our contributions to the investment community. Acumen Investors and its Founder have been actively involved in educating investors in the last more than two decades. Contributions in authorship, speaking at seminars, webinars and conferences and writings for various media and investment outlets. Some of these prior works are reproduced here free for investors. However where materials have copyright ownerships, we ask that readers respect the authors in not reproducing them in any form or part thereof without prior written permission of the owner. Where there is investment advice, products or securities mentioned they do not constitute personal advice and readers are advised to seek their own financial advice and note the general disclaimer warning. If you are an investment or behavioural finance professional and are interested in contributing your materials free of charge, for the purpose of investor education, please send us your materials or contact us here. Our team shall review and revert accordingly. We do, however, reserve the right not to publish all materials we receive.

NeuroInvesting Tests
  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    Can't pull the trigger?

    Neuroscience has a reason for it.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    What's Your Money Personality?

    Your personality and your relationship to money and trading.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    How your personality affects your trading results

    The Big Five traits of personality and how they come to the foe, at different share price juncture.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    Shifting the emotional curve to peak point

    Avoid being the majority, that is being in the middle of the curve, being tossed from left to right by emotions. Instead, shift your emotions particularly fear from break point to peak point and being in flow.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    Making emotion work for you

    A short e-book on emotional intelligence for investing. Please create a login to download this copyright material.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    NeuroInvesting in Chinese

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    Engaging mirror neurons in trading

    Mirror neurons give you the ability to "feel" what others are doing in the market...even before the numbers or what the data is telling you. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    The brain loop antidote

    Your brain already has an in-built antidote for impulsiveness, especially in a fast moving trading environment. However, if you are a sufferer of "analysis paralysis" then beware of this brain loop which can slow you down even more. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    How to overcome sharemarket trading anxiety

    Big market sell-offs conjure emotions of fear in investors, often more so than the sense of euphoria in market rallies. How does one deal with such anxieties as they arise, especially when such words are bandied around by the media; "brutal", "slump", "sinks", "crash"...

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    How your money personality affects your share investing

    Have you considered, Who you are affects your share market success? Where are you on the Five Personality Dimensions commonly called the Big Five personality traits of Extraversion, Neuroticism, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    The emotional side of investing

    It's not all rational. Your biases, experiences, culture and personality all play a role, albeit subconsciously, in whether you finally press that Buy/Sell button.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Behavioral Finance

    Take control of your emotions

    Understanding your personality and how you handle emotions will have a significant impact in how you trade. Unless you know and are aware of who you are and make adjustments for them to be in balance at the time of investment decision making, then you may just be robbing yourself of the chance of making a balanced optimal decision for yourself.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Options in SMSFs

    This is not advice. It is intended for general knowledge.

    Derivatives may not be suitable for you.

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    Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute financial product advice.  You should obtain independent advice from an Australian financial services licensee before making any financial decisions.  Acumen Investors does not give any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information.  To the extent permitted by law, Acumen Investors and its employees, officers and contractors shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising in any way (including by way of negligence) from or in connection with any information provided or omitted or from any one acting or refraining to act in reliance on this information. 

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  • 22 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    How to repair a trade with options, CNBC

  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Summary of all option strategies

    Some of the strategies included in the list are: construction of synthetic longs and strategies to be used for selling and buying of shares, including income strategies. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Portfolio of option strategy management

    Knowing what strategies to use is not enough for an options trader. You will need to know how to manage your options positions, whether they are profitable or at a loss. More importantly what to do, what to be aware of and what to watch out for at or before options expiry dates. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Summary of option combination strategies

    Strategies included here are; put spread, buy and strangle, buy and straddle. These strategies are not suitable for retail investors. They are reproduced here for education purpose. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Shorting with options

    A high risk strategy is included in this material.

    It is not suitable for retail investors and this is not investment advice. It is reproduced here for the purpose of education.

    This material cannot be reproduced. Please respect copyright laws.

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    Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute financial product advice.  You should obtain independent advice from an Australian financial services licensee before making any financial decisions.  Acumen Investors does not give any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information.  To the extent permitted by law, Acumen Investors and its employees, officers and contractors shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising in any way (including by way of negligence) from or in connection with any information provided or omitted or from any one acting or refraining to act in reliance on this information. 

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Portfolio building option strategies

    You will learn the 6 option strategies available to be used for building a portfolio. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 17 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Building blocks of options

    Nine key concepts of options are expounded. You will learn amongst others; Option types, Option pricing, Strike/exercise prices, option actions. Please respect copyright laws of this material.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    When the jump is uncertain, it pays to straddle instead

    Straddling long over the index S&P/ASX200, in a low volatility environment with its direction being uncertain.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Protection comes in different forms

    Buying index XJO.ASX put options for hedging. How delta of options is a useful indicator.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Hedge your bets

    Options strategies in Smart Investor, including a selling of put options strategy in Woolworth shares, WOW.ASX to buy its share.

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  • 05 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Options

    Fool Proofing Your Gold Investment

    Fool proofing Newcrest Mining shares, NCM.ASX, by buying a straddle, contributed to CNBC in 2013.

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  • 31 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Mini

    ASX Understanding Warrants

    This is a good document to start in gaining an understanding of the various types of warrants available (file attached).

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  • 15 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Mini

    What are MINIs?

    MINIs are a leveraged product issued by Citi Group. This is not advice but posted here for education.

    Its Product Disclosure Statements can be found at

    This product may not be suitable for you. 

    One main difference of CitiFirst Instalment Minis from other types of warrants is that of its Stop Loss Levels, which investors need to be aware of and monitor in order for trades not to be stopped out of automatically.

    These stop losses are hard stops and once touched during trading hours, will render the Mini being stopped out.

    A Mini Long has the risk of being stopped out on sell offs whilst Mini Puts have similar risk when underlying security rallies strongly.


    Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute financial product advice.  You should obtain independent advice from an Australian financial services licensee before making any financial decisions.  Acumen Investors does not give any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information.  To the extent permitted by law, Acumen Investors and its employees, officers and contractors shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising in any way (including by way of negligence) from or in connection with any information provided or omitted or from any one acting or refraining to act in reliance on this information. 

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  • 15 Jul 2022 Category : Derivatives/Mini

    Stock Repair Strategy

    A losing trade can be repaired with the use of derivatives.

    Example here compares the use of a call option versus a Mini on the same underlying stock, as potential strategies of repairing a stock sitting on paper losses.

    Selling the underlying stock (crystallising the loss) and using the same proceeds for a leveraged play back in to the underlying security, to recover losses and hopefully more.

    This is not advice and is displayed here for investor education only.

    This strategy was discussed on Ausbiz.

    Please seek professional advice.

    Derivatives may not be suitable for you.


    Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute financial product advice.  You should obtain independent advice from an Australian financial services licensee before making any financial decisions.  Acumen Investors does not give any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information.  To the extent permitted by law, Acumen Investors and its employees, officers and contractors shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising in any way (including by way of negligence) from or in connection with any information provided or omitted or from any one acting or refraining to act in reliance on this information. 

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Advisers

    How brain science makes you a better Adviser

    Having technical skills alone is no longer sufficient, to be an effective Adviser.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Advisers

    Behavioural Finance and the Adviser

    What you can do as an Adviser to help your clients.

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  • 15 Jul 2022 Category : Advisers

    Know Yourself. Know Your Client.

    Knowing yourself helps you know your clients and be able to help them better.

    • gaining clarity in your clients' personality (what may be their dominant traits), how do they think (fixed or growth mindset)
    •  enhances your confidence to advise.  As you learn to identify your clients' cognitive biases and preconditioned emotional and memory traps which they may not even be aware of
    • builds life-long relationships with clients

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  • 26 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What does hedging mean?

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  • 26 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What is a trading plan?

    Have a trading plan before your start.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    Learn about Sequencing Risk

    This is particularly relevant for investors who are about to retire or are retired.

    Sequencing Risk affects how much your retirement nest egg is.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What is Thinking Fast and Slow?

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What is the VIX Index?

    VIX is the ticker symbol and the popular name for the Chicago Board Options Exchange's CBOE Volatility Index. It is a popular measure of the S&P 500 Index's put and call options implied volatility, often used as a gauge of the US stock market's volatility.

    The XVI measures the volatility expected of the Australian share market (S&P/ASX 200) measured by the implied volatility of its put and call options over the next 30 days.

    The Amygdala - your very own internal VIX index of a trader/investor.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    Background to understanding the Big Five Personality traits

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What is loss aversion?

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    Glossary of options terms

    Please respect copyright laws. This is an extract from the OptionsWise book.

    You will find some definitions like below in the file.

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What is neuroplasticity?

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    What is Money Personality?

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Fundamentals

    Why brain science?

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  • 23 Jul 2022 Category : Lending

    Useful tips on margin lending

    This is not advice. This is reproduced for educational purpose only. Advisers are not allowed to advise on Margin Lending without extra education and authorisation.

    1. A big "no, no" is double gearing and investors can easily undertake double gearing without being aware it

    2.  It's important to understand what LVRs are

    3. Investors need to know what may not be acceptable as collateral for margin lending and the concept of haircut and different haircut percentages for some shares


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  • 15 Jul 2022 Category : Lending

    Margin Lending Roundtable Part 1

    A roundtable on Margin Lending organised by Money Management.

    Leverage is a valid strategy if used correctly. 

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