Money Personality

Introduction: The list of questions in this questionnaire is based on the author’s interpretation of the Big Five 6 facets domain of personality traits according to the research of McCrae and Costa (1995). This questionnaire is to be used as a guide to finding and getting a broad sense of one’s personality traits.

Instruction: You will be reviewing some characteristics that may describe you. Go through each statement and circle the score most accurately indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement relating to you.

A score of 5 indicates Yes, you strongly agree with the statement and 1 is a No, you strongly disagree with it. For example, if you somewhat agree that you “warm up quickly to others” then score a 3 against it.

Score :
1. Disagree strongly
2. Disagree a litte
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree a litte
5. Agree strongly

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