
Bespoke Portfolios

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Bespoke Portfolios

These are for wholesale and Professional Investors who are looking for:

Long/short solutions
Thematic exposures
Derivatives strategies
Alternatives, tailored or sophisticated investment products
As add-on to Curated Managed Portfolios or stand-alone Portfolios

These services are provided by Acumen Investors’ Advisers.

We adopt the following investment style in managing Bespoke Portfolios, which are typically an add-on to our curated managed portfolios:

  • Innovative

    Discover and use all available tools to express ours or clients’ investment views

  • Open and Curious

    Staying aware, nimble and adaptive to the dynamic and evolving investment markets

  • Simply Sophisticated

    Being cognizant of human psychology, emotions and biases in investment decisions

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Our Industry network, contributions and third party providers include